Moved to GitHub pages

Sorry for the abrupt change for anyone out there following my blog. I forgot about my hosting contract expiring with BlueHost. Not wanting to shell out for another year on their platform. I accelerated my migration to GitHub Pages.

I wanted my content to be in a portable format, the best one being markdown. I also didn’t want the hassle of maintaining a full on custom website, so GitHub Pages is great solution for me.

In rush of course, I don’t have a solution for comments yet. I see value in comments, so I will look to integrate Disqus.

I do have all my old content, so if you had something you used to reference once in a while, it’s in my blog roll still.

What else is changing?


I’ve always wanted to have a YouTube channel for my content. Some things are better communicated in a visual way. As I get setup, some of my content may end up there.

Career change

With that out of the way, there have been a few changes in my life. For starters, I now work at the Project Management Institute. In my new role, I am focusing on being an “Operations Engineer”. Titles aside, the summary is, I’m full time in the weeds again.

My role will focus on a few areas.

  • [Automation]: While I’m always focused on automation, I get to practice it a lot more. With this focus, comes a lot more toys. They include the following.
    • Azure DevOps
    • Azure Automation
    • Azure LogicApps
  • [Active Directory]: PMI has a global distributed AD, and we’re integrated into Azure. I’ll have plenty of opportunity to hone AD, GPO, Replication, and of course Azure AD hybrid services.
  • [Backup / Recovery / Storage]: I will continue my journey in the backup recovery area. More focused on working in a cloud centric environment. Some of the tools we’re using here include.
    • Azure Recovery Vaults
    • Rubrik
    • Pure Storage
    • Azure Storage

While I have a background in a lot of other technologies, some of them unfortunately may start to fade off. I work in a larger team, so being a jack of all trades will be less of a need where I am. That’s not to say that I won’t be working with other technologies, but it may not be as intense as it once was.

Personal changes

I’ve wondered if there might be some value for me, and others if I started blogging about personal areas. Things such as motorcycles, ATV’s, cooking, working out, etc.

Final notes

Please be patient with me as I continue to get my blog setup. You may see some weirdness at times. Hope to have some great content for you soon.