Introduction: If you’re working in a Windows environment like me, you have to deal with 15 character limitations (at least if you care about NETBIOS resolution). Honestly, really cramps my style, but these conventions were written with that limitation in mind. If you’re using this for a Linux based server running...
Introduction: One thing that always kind of sucked with windows servers (and its even worse with Linux) is dealing with how to manage local administrator rights. Now I realize a lot of you just add yourself to the domain admins and use that account (not a security best practices) to administer your servers, but what...
Introduction: If there was one area in IT that I tend to be fanatical about (some would say fanatical isn’t a strong enough word), I would have to say its naming conventions. For me, learning about naming conventions in school and then seeing it put into practice in my first real gig, really enforced the concept that...