The Problem: For years as an admin I’ve had to deal with SQL. At a former employer, our SQL environment / databases were small, and backup licensing was based on agents, not capacity. Fast forward to my current employer, we have a fairly decent sized SQL environment (60 – 70 servers), our backup’s are large ,...
Building off my last function Get-ECSPhysicalDiskToLogicalDiskMapping: which took a windows physical disk and mapped it to a windows logical disk, this function will take a VMware virtual disk and map it to a windows logical disk. This function has the following dependencies and assumptions: It depends on my windows...
I figured it was about time to knock out something a little technical for a change, and I figured I’d start with this little function, which is part of a larger script that I’ll talk more about later. There may be a time where you need to find the relationship between a physical disk drive and your logical drive. In my...