PowerShell: Find orphaned disks in Azure and their cost

Version: 1.0.1


Just wanted to get something super simple out there. I was curious how many unattatched disks our Azure portal had and what it was costing us. This little script will give us the basic answer to that question.

The script

This will loop through all subscriptions and gather all disks with a status of “unattatched”. Then it will try to find out how much they cost. Don’t trust this blindly of course. The results can be parsed in the variable named “$All_Az_Disks_Unattached”.

#All Az Subscriptions
$All_Az_Subscriptions = Get-AzSubscription

#Loop through each Az Subscription
$All_Az_Disks_Unattached = $null
$All_Az_Disks_Unattached = Foreach ($Az_Subscription in $All_Az_Subscriptions)
    #Set the context
    Write-Host "Working on subscription ""$($Az_Subscription.Name)"""
    Set-AzContext -SubscriptionObject $Az_Subscription | Out-Null

    #Get all Az disks in this particular subscription and return the object
    Write-Host "Getting all disks in subscription ""$($Az_Subscription.Name)"""
    $All_Az_Disks_In_Subscription_Unattached = $null
    $All_Az_Disks_In_Subscription_Unattached = Get-AzDisk | Where-Object {$_.DiskState -eq "Unattached"}

    #Get billing usage details if disks in this subscription aren't null
    If ($null -ne $All_Az_Disks_In_Subscription_Unattached)
        Write-Host "We found a count of $($All_Az_Disks_In_Subscription_Unattached.Count) unattatched disks in subscription ""$($Az_Subscription.Name)""" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        #Get az billing usage
        Write-Host "Getting usage details for all resources in this subscription"
        $All_Az_Consumption_Usage_Details = $null
        $All_Az_Consumption_Usage_Details = Get-AzConsumptionUsageDetail

        #Loop through the consumption details
        Write-Host "Looping through all disks we found"
        Foreach ($Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached in $All_Az_Disks_In_Subscription_Unattached)
            Write-Host "Attempting to find a billing details mapped to our disk named ""$($Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached.Name)"""
            $Az_Disk_Consumption_Usage_Details = $null
            $Az_Disk_Consumption_Usage_Details = $All_Az_Consumption_Usage_Details | Where-Object {$_.InstanceId -eq $Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached.Id}

            #Create a result object
            $Result = $null 
            $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                Disk_Object = $Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached
                Billing_Object = $null
                Subscription_Name = $Az_Subscription.Name
                Subscription_ID = $Az_Subscription.Id
                Disk_Resource_Group_Name = $Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached.ResourceGroupName
                Disk_Name = $Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached.Name
                Disk_Cost_PreTaxCost = $null
                Disk_Cost_Currency = $null

            If ($null -ne $Az_Disk_Consumption_Usage_Details)
                #Now let's return the details
                Write-Host "We found usage details for disk named ""$($Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached.Name)"""

                $Result.Billing_Object = $Az_Disk_Consumption_Usage_Details
                $Result.Disk_Cost_PreTaxCost = $Az_Disk_Consumption_Usage_Details | Where-Object {$_.InstanceId -eq $Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached.Id} | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Pretaxcost | Select-Object -ExpandProperty sum
                $Result.Disk_Cost_Currency = $Az_Disk_Consumption_Usage_Details | Select-Object -First 1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Currency
                Write-Host "We did NOT find usage details for disk named ""$($Az_Disk_In_Subscription_Unattached.Name)""" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            #Return result
        Write-Host "No unattatched disks in subscription ""$($Az_Subscription.Name)!""" -ForegroundColor Green