I know I haven’t been posting a lot, but that’s because I’ve been busy developing my first public Powershell modules. This short post isn’t to discuss the specifics of that, but rather my new strategy going forward. Many of you probably know what GitHub is by now, but for those of you who don’t, it’s pretty much the...

In general, I find DRS does a fantastic job of keeping VM’s happy. However, in the past, I’ve seen a number of unexplained situations where hosts in a cluster run out of memory when a VM goes from idle, to busy all of a sudden. In fact, this happened three times to us in a dedicated cluster for our SQL VM’s. What was...

Introduction: I know what you’re thinking, it’s 2017, why are you writing about virtualizing Microsoft SQL? Most are doing it after all. And even if they’re not, there’s this whole SQLaaS thing that’s starting to take off, so why would anyone care? Well I’m writing this as more of a reflection on virtualizing SQL....

I know I’m totally guilty of saying expletives with regards to truckers. Being honest, most of it is due to my own impatience / selfishness. Still once I realize, that I’m getting upset about a person that’s driving a 40-ton vehicle cautiously, things tend to fall back into perspective. In fact, the more I’ve watched...

Series Introduction: Back in October I had a grand plan to have 23 days of thanks. Unfortunately, life got in the way, and I never had the time to pre-write all the posts I wanted to. Rather than giving up, I’m going to punch out as many as I can before the 24th. Since I want to focus on the month of thanks, by giving...

Introduction: This post is 100% off topic, it’s about my “exotic car” experience through 877stockcar.com. In general, my blog is for tech stuff, but I figure it might be fun to write about something non-tech for once. This is about the https://877stockcar.com/experiences/exotic-experiences/ located at Pocono Raceway....

Introduction: If you remember a little bit ago, I said I was trying to work around the lack of driver management with vendors. This function is the start of a few tools you can use to potentially make your life a little easier. VMware’s drivers are VIBS (but not all VIBS are drivers). So the key to knowing if you have...

Introduction: Backup and recovery is a rather dry topic, but it’s an important one. After all, what’s more critical to your company than their data? You can have the best products in the world, but if disaster strikes and you don’t have a good solution in place, it can make your recovery painful or even impossible....

History: Let me give you a little back story before digging into the meat of this post. My team and I make a very concerted effort to keep our servers firmware and drivers updated. We’ve gone so far as to purchase software from Dell, implement a process on how firmware / drivers are to be updated, and ensuring that...

Introduction: One of the things I’m struggling with, is how to balance the number of posts per naming convention. It would be easy in some ways to use a single post per server type, but it would also be overly redundant in many ways. I originally wrote a dedicated post to SQL server naming conventions, and realized...

Introduction: I wrote a really quick review here about MVP systems JAMS product about 1 year or so ago (maybe a little less). At the time, I was in search of a solution that could help me glue together several disjointed systems in a workflow. Specifically, we were trying to integrate Veeam and CommVault backup’s...

Introduction: If you’re working in a Windows environment like me, you have to deal with 15 character limitations (at least if you care about NETBIOS resolution). Honestly, really cramps my style, but these conventions were written with that limitation in mind. If you’re using this for a Linux based server running...

Introduction: If there was one area in IT that I tend to be fanatical about (some would say fanatical isn’t a strong enough word), I would have to say its naming conventions. For me, learning about naming conventions in school and then seeing it put into practice in my first real gig, really enforced the concept that...